Understanding Ceilometer Transformers

Ceilometer transformers are part of the Ceilometer pipeline, which is the mechanism by which data is processed. In Ceilometer there is a pipeline for samples and a pipeline for events.

Configurations for these pipelines can be found in /etc/ceilometer/pipeline.yaml and /etc/ceilometer/event_pipeline.yaml.

Transformers are responsible for mutating data points and passing them to publishers that will send the data to external systems.

Ceilometer Pipeline

Different types of transformers exist to mutate different types of data. The following is a table containing all the available transformer types:

Name of transformer Reference name for configuration
Accumulator accumulator
Aggregator aggregator
Arithmetic arithmetic
Rate of change rate_of_change
Unit conversion unit_conversion
Delta delta

Let's take a more detailed look into the accumulator transformer.

Accumulator Transformer

This transformer simply caches the samples until enough samples have arrived and then flushes them all down the pipeline at once:

    - name: "accumulator"
          size: 15

The Source Code

Source code for transfomers is found in ceilometer/transformers. Base classes are found in the __init__.py file:

class TransformerBase(object):
    """Base class for plugins that transform the sample."""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Setup transformer.
        Each time a transformed is involved in a pipeline, a new transformer
        instance is created and chained into the pipeline. i.e. transformer
        instance is per pipeline. This helps if transformer need keep some
        cache and per-pipeline information.
        :param kwargs: The parameters that are defined in pipeline config file.
        super(TransformerBase, self).__init__()

    def handle_sample(self, sample):
        """Transform a sample.
        :param sample: A sample.

    def grouping_keys(self):
        """Keys used to group transformer."""

    def flush():
        """Flush samples cached previously."""
return []

All the methods above are abstract methods (with the exception of flush()) that specific transformer classes must implement. For example, note the abstract method handle_sample. This is where the transformation of the sample will take place. It's implementation will differ depending on the transformer type.

For example, the class defintion of the accumulator transformer can be found in accumulator.py:

from ceilometer import transformer

class TransformerAccumulator(transformer.TransformerBase):
    """Transformer that accumulates samples until a threshold.
    And then flushes them out into the wild.

    grouping_keys = ['resource_id']

    def __init__(self, size=1, **kwargs):
        if size >= 1:
            self.samples = []
        self.size = size
        super(TransformerAccumulator, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def handle_sample(self, sample):
        if self.size >= 1:
            return sample

    def flush(self):
        if len(self.samples) >= self.size:
            x = self.samples
            self.samples = []
            return x
return []

Notice how it implements handle_sample. It is a very simple transformer which keeps appending samples into an array. Once a threshold condition is met (in this case self.size >= 1), it will simply return all the samples in the array.

Remember that this size variable's value is defined and obtained from the pipeline.yaml configuration file in the transformer's definition.

The flush() method returns the transformed samples and then empties the transformer's array containing the samples.

After the transformers are done mutating the data, they pass this data to the publishers, also part of the Ceilometer pipeline.

Ceilometer Transformers

ceilometer openstack cloudcomputing python


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