Changing Zenoss Dashboard Portlets Using CLI

The Zenoss ZenPacks.zenoss.Dashboard ZenPack adds a very nice and new dashboard to our Zenoss Core 4 deployment, replacing the old default dashboard that comes with the installation.

ZenPack Dashboard

We can see that the dashboard shows some portlets by default, from the list of available portlets.

The source code that does this can be found in ZenPacks.zenoss.Dashboard/ZenPacks/zenoss/Dashboard/

DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_STATE = '[{"id":"col-0","items":[{"title":"Welcome to Zenoss!","refreshInterval":3000,"config":{"siteUrl":""},"xtype":"sitewindowportlet","height":399,"collapsed":false},{"title":"Google Maps","refreshInterval":300,"config":{"baselocation":"/zport/dmd/Locations","pollingrate":400},"xtype":"googlemapportlet","height":400,"collapsed":false}]},{"id":"col-1","items":[{"title":"Open Events","refreshInterval":300,"config":{"stateId":"ext-gen1351"},"xtype":"eventviewportlet","height":400,"collapsed":false},{"title":"Open Events Chart","refreshInterval":300,"config":{"eventClass":"/","summaryFilter":"","daysPast":3},"xtype":"openeventsportlet","height":400,"collapsed":false}]}]'

It is basically a big JSON formatted string that describes which portlets go into which columns, with what kind of configurations. This string is then later assigned to a Dashboard object inside the _buildRelationships method:

# ...
dashboard = Dashboard('default')
dashboard.columns = 2
dashboard.owner = 'admin'
dmd.ZenUsers.dashboards._setObject('default', dashboard)

Changing The State

We can then manually change the default state by opening a zendmd shell (type zendmd in your console as the zenoss user):

from ZenPacks.zenoss.Dashboard.Dashboard import Dashboard

dashboard = Dashboard('default')
dashboard.columns = 2
dashboard.owner = 'admin'
dashboard.state = 'NEW_STATE_IN_JSON_FORMAT'


The commit() instruction is necessary for changes to take place. After this, refreshing your dashboard should now reflect its new state.

zenoss python zenpacks


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