Diving Into OpenStack Gnocchi

Gnocchi is a multi-tenant timeseries, metrics and resources database. It provides an HTTP REST interface to create and manipulate the data. It is designed to store metrics at a very large scale while providing access to metrics and resources information and history.

It is the preferred storage method for metrics in Ceilometer, as of OpenStack Ocata.

In this post I want to dive into Gnocchi specifics such as its configuration, supported backends, APIs, daemons, and source code.


Gnocchi's configuration is stored in a file called gnocchi.conf. Ideally, this file would be in ~/gnocchi.conf or /etc/gnocchi/gnocchi.conf. Let's take a look at a basic Gnocchi configuration:

debug = true
verbose = true

workers = 1

backend = sqlalchemy

url = postgresql://gnocchi:gnocchi@

coordination_url = file:///home/ubuntu/gn/locks
driver = file
file_basepath = /home/ubuntu/gn

allowed_origin = *
allow_credentials = false

The configuration above sets up Gnocchi to use Postgresql as the indexer, and use the file system for storage. Additionally it sets up CORS so that requests from any origin are allowed. You will want to configure CORS in a more secure manner when deploying to a production environment.

Database Setup

For this example, we are going to use Cloud 9 as our environment, and Postgresql as the database. This means that we need to first setup the database before we start using Gnocchi.

Make sure the Postgresql service is running:

sudo service postgresql start

We can enter the Postgresql command line using:

sudo sudo -u postgres psql

Now let's create a new Postgresql user:


Then create the database:


When the database is finally set up correctly and the configuration file is in place, we can initialize the indexer and storage:


You should see the following output logs:

2017-05-17 05:28:50.917 3895 INFO gnocchi.cli [-] Upgrading indexer <gnocchi.indexer.sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyIndexer object at 0x7ff76cff6190>
2017-05-17 05:28:50.982 3895 INFO alembic.runtime.migration [-] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
2017-05-17 05:28:50.982 3895 INFO alembic.runtime.migration [-] Will assume transactional DDL.
2017-05-17 05:28:51.011 3895 INFO alembic.runtime.migration [-] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
2017-05-17 05:28:51.011 3895 INFO alembic.runtime.migration [-] Will assume transactional DDL.
2017-05-17 05:28:51.154 3895 INFO gnocchi.cli [-] Upgrading storage <gnocchi.storage.file.FileStorage object at 0x7ff7688f9710>

Gnocchi REST API

Gnocchi's REST API is based on Pecan, a very lightweight Python web framework that provides object-dispatch style routing. We can confirm this in Gnocchi's rest/__init__.py file:

import pecan
from pecan import rest


Gnocchi provides an object type that is called metric. A metric designates any thing that can be measured: the CPU usage of a server, the temperature of a room or the number of bytes sent by a network interface.

A metric only has a few properties: a UUID to identify it, a name, the archive policy that will be used to store and aggregate the measures.

Farther down the code in rest/__init__.py, we can find a metric controller which inherits from a Pecan REST controller:

class MetricController(rest.RestController):
    _custom_actions = {
        'measures': ['POST', 'GET']

    def __init__(self, metric):
        self.metric = metric
        mgr = extension.ExtensionManager(namespace='gnocchi.aggregates',
        self.custom_agg = dict((x.name, x.obj) for x in mgr)

    def enforce_metric(self, rule):
        enforce(rule, json.to_primitive(self.metric))

    def get_all(self):
        self.enforce_metric("get metric")
        return self.metric

From the Pecan documentation, we can learn that Pecan uses a routing strategy known as object-dispatch to map an HTTP request to a controller, and then the method to call. Object-dispatch begins by splitting the path into a list of components and then walking an object path, starting at the root controller.

We can tell Pecan which methods in a class are publically-visible via expose(). If a method is not decorated with expose(), Pecan will never route a request to it. In the example above, the get_all() method is exposed to Pecan. Additionally, it makes use of Pecan's built-in support for a special JSON renderer, which translates template namespaces into rendered JSON text. Meaning that the returned content will be rendered as JSON.

However, we specifically want to how Pecan's Rest Controllers work. By default, Rest controllers routes as follows:

Method Description Example Method(s) / URL(s)
get_one Display one record GET /books/1
get_all Display all records in a resource GET /books/
get A combo of get_one and get_all GET /books/ GET /books/1
new Display a page to create a new resource GET /books/new
edit Display a page to edit an existing resource GET /books/1/edit
post Create a new record POST /books/
put Update an existing record POST /books/1?_method=put PUT /books/1
get_delete Display a delete confirmation page GET /books/1/delete
delete Delete an existing record POST /books/1?_method=delete DELETE /books/1


By default, the authentication is configured to basic mode. You need to provide an authorization header in your HTTP requests with a valid username (the password is not used). The admin password is granted all privileges, whereas any other username is recognize as having standard permissions.

Other modes of authentication are: no authentication, and Keystone authentication.

Gnocchi handles authentication using a helper for each type of authentication. These helpers can be found in rest/auth_helper.py:

class BasicAuthHelper(object):
    def get_current_user(headers):
        auth = werkzeug.http.parse_authorization_header(
        if auth is None:
        return auth.username

    def get_auth_info(self, headers):
        user = self.get_current_user(headers)
        roles = []
        if user == "admin":
        return {
            "user": user,
            "roles": roles

    def get_resource_policy_filter(headers, rule, resource_type):
        return None

It is important to mention that basic authentication is made possible because of Werkzeug, Werkzeug is a WSGI utility library for Python. In the basic auth helper, Werkzeug helps parsing the HTTP headers.


Gnocchi offers different storage drivers such as Redis, File, OpenStack Swift, and Amazon S3. However the preffered driver is Ceph. In simple words, Ceph is a tool that provides applications with object, block, and file system storage in a single unified storage cluster.

Additionally, an intermediary library inside Gnocchi called Carbonara is in charge of the time series manipulation.

Storage logic can be found in gnocchi/storage. Some basic classes defining drivers, measures, and metrics can be found in the __init__.py file:

class Metric(object):
    def __init__(self, id, archive_policy,
        self.id = id
        self.archive_policy = archive_policy
        self.creator = creator
        self.name = name
        self.resource_id = resource_id

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id)

We can find the storage logic for Ceph in ceph.py:

class CephStorage(_carbonara.CarbonaraBasedStorage):
    WRITE_FULL = False

    def __init__(self, conf, incoming):
        super(CephStorage, self).__init__(conf, incoming)
        self.rados, self.ioctx = ceph.create_rados_connection(conf)

    def stop(self):
        ceph.close_rados_connection(self.rados, self.ioctx)
        super(CephStorage, self).stop()

    def _get_object_name(metric, timestamp_key, aggregation, granularity,
        name = str("gnocchi_%s_%s_%s_%s" % (
            metric.id, timestamp_key, aggregation, granularity))
        return name + '_v%s' % version if version else name

    def _object_exists(self, name):
            return True
        except rados.ObjectNotFound:
            return False

    def _create_metric(self, metric):
        name = self._build_unaggregated_timeserie_path(metric, 3)
        if self._object_exists(name):
            raise storage.MetricAlreadyExists(metric)
            self.ioctx.write_full(name, b"")

Gnocchi Tests

Running the tests in Gnocchi took me a while. Mainly because I am not very familiar with testing in Python and how testing with OpenStack libraries work.

Tests are run using tox and testr. Therefore we first install tox using pip inside the virtual environment. In Gnocchi (and each OpenStack project) there will be a tox.ini file in the root directory. This is a set of test configurations for the project. For example, we can see a list of available environments to test against:

minversion = 2.4
envlist = py{35,27}-{postgresql,mysql}{,-file,-swift,-ceph,-s3},pep8,bashate

The complete list can be shown by using the tox -l command.

The default settings that applies to all environments are located underneath the [testenv] directive:

usedevelop = True
sitepackages = False
setenv =

# ...

Specific environment configurations are specified by adding a a directive with the environment name after the colon:


So to summarize all this, it all basically means that we can run tests with tox using one of these environments, like this:

tox -e py27-postgresql-file

This will create a directory for this environment under a hidden .tox/ directory in the project and will begin installing dependencies. Since tox itself creates a virtual environment using virtualenv, you must make sure that you have an up to date version of virtualenv installed.

-> Why does tox take so long to run? The reason tox takes a long time is two-fold: On the first run it has to create a virtual environment, which can take anywhere from 5 to 30+ minutes depending on the project and the system. The other reason is that it just takes a long time to run all of the test cases in some of the projects.


  1. Gnocchi official documentation
  2. Miscellaneous Resources on Gnocchi
  3. Deploying Pecan in Production
  4. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Testr
  5. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Testing
  6. http://waprin.io/2015/05/21/introducing-tox.html
gnocchi ceilometer openstack python ceph pecan


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