Tech and Open Source Chinese Vocabulary

The following is my personal curated list of Chinese terms (in Traditional Chinese) and vocabulary used in web development, programming, technology and open source.

Chinese Word Pinyin Definition
修復 xiū fù Repair, fix (bug)
發版 fā bǎn To release a version
報錯 baò cuò Error report/message
組件 zǔ jiàn Component
版本 bǎn běn Version
更新 gèng xīn To update/upgrade
顯示 xiǎn shì Show, display
表格 biaǒ gé Form, table
按鈕 àn niú Button, to press a button
重新 chóng xīn Retry (verb)
項目 xiàng mù Project
需求 xū qiú Request
代碼 dài mǎ Code
源碼 yuán mǎ Source code
固定 gù dìng Fixed, regular
內容 nèi róng Content
輸入 shū rù Input, to input
屬性 shǔ xìng attribute, property
路由 lù yóu routing
參考 cān kǎo Consult, refer to, reference
標題 biaō tí title, heading
一致 yī zhì consistent, identical
默認 mò rèn default
里程碑 lǐ chéng bēi milestone
圖標 tú biaō icon
接口 jiē koǔ interface, port
操作系統 Cāozuò xìtǒng operating system
支持 zhī chí support
佈局 bù jú layout
chinese open source web dev programming


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