Umask Permissions in a Puma Production Environment

Recently I was having an issue with a Sinatra application deployed in a staging server. The application was deployed with Puma and Nginx in the following location:


This web service would then try to access some files in another directory on the server, mounted as an SFTP directory. The Sinatra app would open these files and generate some new files from them, depending on the HTTP request received.

The problem was that the operation would fail due to a permissions issue. I was baffled since I had set read and write permissions to the directory and the files in it.

Umask: The Problem and Solution

It took around two days to find the culprit: umask. In Linux, umask acts as another set of permissions for processes and cannot be set for directories, basically speaking.

I realized that this probably meant that the process running the Puma application server had a umask configuration that was not allowing the generation of new files.

I decided to test this if this was the case. In the Puma documentation, I found an option to change the permissions of the UNIX socket using umask:

puma -b 'unix:///var/run/puma.sock?umask=0111'

Since I am using Capistrano for deployment, I added it to the Capistrano Puma configuration in deploy.rb:

set :puma_bind,       "unix://#{shared_path}/tmp/sockets/#{fetch(:application)}-puma.sock?umask=0664"

Using 0664 permissions does the following:

After re-deploying, I found out this was indeed the issue. With this fix, my Sinatra application was now generating the files as intended.


ruby sinatra web dev


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