Zenoss Renderers

Zenoss makes use of some very interesting graphical components called renderers. These are used to manipulate the way data is shown in the Zenoss user interface.

For example, a value of total bytes used could be 6080626688 in bytes, which is a very high number and doesn't really convey much meaning. However, we can use a built-in Zenoss renderer called bytesString which will convert this value in bytes to the closest representation:

Zenoss Renderers

As we can see, this is a much better and meaningful way of displaying the data.

The built-in Zenoss renderers and source code can be found in $ZENHOME/Products/ZenUI3/browser/resources/js/zenoss/Renderers.js

They are a list of registered Javascript functions that can be assigned in our YAML definitions file by adding the renderer property. For example:

  base: [zenpacklib.Component]
  label: Hard Disk
        label: Location

        label: Capacity

        label: Raid Name

        label: Raid Level

        label: Status
        renderer: Zenoss.render.pingStatus

Zenoss.render.pingStatus is one of the default renderers that come built-in within Zenoss Core 4, similar to Zenoss.render.bytesString.

Creating Custom Renderers

It is also possible to create our own custom renderers that our classes can use. To do this, we create a new directory called resources within our ZenPack. Under this directory we will create a new Javascript file where we will register our new renderer(s) for our ZenPack.

For example, let's assume our ZenPack has a ApiService class that has a property called status. The value returned for this property is an integer that represents that status of the service. These are the possible statuses and their value-meaning:

UP: 0

Showing the integer values for the status property in the user interface is not very meaningful to the user. To solve this, we can create a custom renderer that will evaluate the value and simply return a string for each possible value, this string will be a better and much more meaningful representation for this property.

In our resources directory, we create a new Javascript file called Service.js (can be any name)

Here we create and register our new renderer as follows:

Ext.apply(Zenoss.render, {
  api_ServiceStatus: function(n) {
      var status = parseInt(n)

      switch (status) {
          case 0:
              return "UP"
          case 1:
              return "DEGRADED"
          case 2:
              return "DOWN"
          case 3:
              return "INIT"
              return "UNKNOWN"

Now we can assign this new renderer in our YAML file:

  base: [zenpacklib.Component]
  label: API Service
      label: Service Status
      renderer: Zenoss.render.api_ServiceStatus

We re-install the ZenPack, restart zopectl and zenhub services, and check our interface for the new results:

Custom Renderer

zenoss zenpacks


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